Hire a social media marketing consultant & turn your visitors into paying customers. Without haemorrhaging cash.
Facebook ads are the most targeted and cost-effective advertising medium available today, no matter what size business you have.
Scale your business & get in front of the right crowd, fast.
With minimal spend and testing, we can give you more than leads – we can give you the right type of leads – from your most desirable customers.
If you:
are tired of burning cash in all the wrong places
can’t monitor who’s visiting your site
don’t have money to burn
want more traffic
want clear, concise analytics
are frustrated that you can’t get your message out to the right customers
Then, it’s time for Facebook advertising. Even if everything else has failed.
Facebook remarketing
You’re going to love it…
How would you like it if you only had to pay for the most efficiently targeted customers to view your ads? With Facebook remarketing, you can turn your visitors into paying customers. Sometimes for only a few dollars a day. Because pixels.
Facebook has created an analytical tool called a pixel that we place on your website to track visitors and their actions on your website.
This pixel allows us to retarget them in the future (keeping your brand fresh in their mind), see which pages they visit on your site and also allows us to create lookalike audiences based on similarities of your real life visitors.
It’s almost too good to be true. But it’s true. And it works.
Pixels provide so many benefits, but undeniably, and outstanding feature is its ability to successfully retarget your (already warm) visitors but have a higher chance of converting – at minimal expense.
And nothing compares to the exhilaration of seeing real, convertible leads flood into your business.
If you’d like to keep up with your competitors, push through the noise and say hello to your ideal target market through Facebook, let’s get in touch.
Facebook (Meta) Advertising